
The fading number of a noncoherent two-user Rician fading channel is
derived. The fading number is the second term in the high-SNR
expansion of the sum-rate capacity of this multiple-access channel. It
is shown that the fading number is identical to the fading number of
the single-user Rician fading channel that is obtained when the user
seeing the worse channel is switched off.


Channel capacity, fading number, flat fading, high signal-to-noise
ratio (SNR), multiple-access.

-||-   _|_ _|_     /    __|__   Stefan M. Moser
[-]     --__|__   /__\    /__   Senior Scientist, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
_|_     -- --|-    _     /  /   Adjunct Professor, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
/ \     []  \|    |_|   / \/    Web: https://moser-isi.ethz.ch/

Last modified: Sat Jun 6 22:42:04 UTC+8 2009