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Advanced Topics in Information Theory Autumn 2006/2007
- Class Evaluation: The class evaluation takes place on January 3 during the normal lecture hours. I would very much appreciate your feedback, so please come to class at this date! Thanks!
- Final Exam: The final exam will take place on
- Monday, January 8, 15:40-18:30 (Note that this is one hour longer than usual!)
- open book: any book is allowed
- not allowed are: any telecommunication devices like mobile phones, any laptop with wireless capabilities, any "friend", or any other help from outside...
- covered material: everything covered in class
- Mid-Term Exam: The mid-term exam will take place on
- Monday, November 6, 15:40-18:30 (Note that this is one hour longer than usual!)
- open book: any book is allowed
- not allowed are: any telecommunication devices like mobile phones, any laptop with wireless capabilities, any "friend", or any other help from outside...
- covered material: everything covered in class until October 30 (not including error exponents)
- Note: On October 9 there will be no lecture!
Stefan M. Moser
Engineering Building IV, Room 727
phone: 03-571 21 21 ext. 54548
Teaching Assistant
Zheng Yan-Xiu
Engineering Building IV, Room 811
phone: 03-571 21 21 ext. 54571
e-mail: <non2000.cm88g@nctu.edu.tw>
Time and Place
The course is scheduled for 4 hours per week:
- Monday, 15:40--17:30, Engineering Building IV, Room 111
- Wednesday, 15:40--17:30, Engineering Building IV, Room 111
Course Objectives
This course is an advanced course in information
theory. Based on the theory we have learned in the course Information Theory we will continue
to explore the most important results concerning data
compression and reliable communication over a communication
channel: mainly we will concentrate on multiple-user
communication and lossy compression schemes. The course will
cover approximately the following topics:
- Maximum entropy
- Methods of types
- Rate distortion theory (lossy compression)
- Multiple-users channels:
- Multiple-access channel
- Broadcast channel
- Relay channel
- Interference channel
- Gel'fand-Pinsker problem: channels with random parameters known
at the transmitter
- Correlated source encoding (Slepian-Wolf)
- Information theory and the stock market
We hope that a student who finishes the course will be able
to better understand the principles underlying all state-of-the-art
communication systems and the difficulties encountered when designing
and trying to improve them.
- Probability
- Information Theory
The Course will be mainly be based on
- Thomas M. Cover and Joy A. Thomas: "Elements of Information Theory," Wiley, 1991.
You find here a link to an electronic version of the book.
Further references and recommended readings:
- Robert G. Gallager: "Information Theory and Reliable Communication," Wiley, 1968.
- Raymond W. Yeung: "A First Course in Information Theory," Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005.
- Imre Csiszár, János Körner: "Information Theory: Coding Theorems for Discrete Memoryless Systems", 3rd edition, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest.
The exercises are an essential part of this lecture and we will spend
a considerable amount of time in discussing and solving them during
class. There will be one exercise every week consisting of a about
four to six problems. The time in class will not be sufficient to
solve all problems, i.e., the students are asked to finish the
problems at home. For the understanding of the course and also as a
preparation for the mid-term and final exam we highly recommend to
solve the exercises! Since the material of this course is rather
demanding by itself, we have decided not to further challenge the
students with additional tasks like, e.g., a presentation of a
paper. We hope that the saved time will be used instead for solving
the exercises, going over the notes, and reading the textbook!
Your grade will be an average of
- your homework (15%)
- the midterm exam (35%)
- the final exam (50%)
The grade of your homework will not be based on the correctness of
your answers, but rather the effort you show in trying to solve
them. To pass the course there is the additional condition that
at least 10 exercises have to be handed
This course is worth 3 credits.
Time Table
Date |
Topic |
Handouts |
Exercise (due on) |
Solutions |
Comments |
11 Sept. |
Maximum entropy |
Syllabus |
Exercise 1 (18 Sept.) |
13 Sept. |
Example macro/microstates, diff. entropy rate |
18 Sept. |
Spectrum estimation, Burg's theorem, method of types |
Exercise 2 (25 Sept.) |
20 Sept. |
Method of types |
Solutions 1 |
25 Sept. |
Method of types, large deviation theory (Sanov's theorem) |
Exercise 3 (2 Oct.) |
27 Sept. |
Conditional limit theorem |
Solutions 2 |
2 Oct. |
Conditional limit theorem, strongly typical sets |
Exercise 4 (11 Oct.) |
4 Oct. |
Strongly typical sets |
Solutions 3 |
9 Oct. |
No lecture |
----- |
11 Oct. |
Jointly strongly typical sets |
Exercise 5 (16 Oct.) |
Solutions 4 |
16 Oct. |
Rate distortion theory |
Exercise 6 (23 Oct.) |
18 Oct. |
Rate distortion theory |
Solutions 5 |
23 Oct. |
Rate distortion theory |
Exercise 7 (30 Oct.) |
25 Oct. |
Rate distortion theory: Gaussian sources |
Solutions 6 |
30 Oct. |
Characterization of rate distortion function, error exponent for rate distortion function |
Exercise 8 (13 Nov.) |
1 Nov. |
Error exponent for rate distortion function: type covering lemma |
Solutions 7 |
6 Nov. |
Midterm Exam |
----- |
8 Nov. |
Error exponent for rate distortion function |
13 Nov. |
Multiple descriptions |
Exercise 9 (20 Nov.) |
15 Nov. |
Multiple descriptions |
Solutions 8 |
20 Nov. |
Multiple descriptions, Wyner-Ziv problem: rate distortion with side-information |
Exercise 10 (27 Nov.) |
22 Nov. |
Wyner-Ziv problem |
Solutions 9 |
27 Nov. |
Wyner-Ziv problem, Slepian-Wolf problem |
Exercise 11 (4 Dec.) |
29 Nov. |
Slepian-Wolf problem |
Solutions 10 |
4 Dec. |
Slepian-Wolf problem, MAC |
Exercise 12 (11 Dec.) |
6 Dec. |
MAC: achievability |
Solutions 11 |
11 Dec. |
MAC: converse, Gaussian MAC |
Exercise 13 (18 Dec.) |
13 Dec. |
Gaussian MAC, transmission of correlated sources over a MAC |
Solutions 12 |
18 Dec. |
Transmission of correlated sources over a MAC, Gel'fand-Pinsker problem: channels with non-causal side-information |
Exercise 14 (25 Dec.) |
20 Dec. |
Gel'fand-Pinsker problem |
Solutions 13 |
25 Dec. |
Converse of Gel'fand-Pinsker problem, broadcast channel |
Exercise 15 (3 Jan.) |
27 Dec. |
Degraded broadcast channel |
Solutions 14 |
1 Jan. |
No lecture |
----- |
3 Jan. |
Marton region of general broadcast channel |
Solutions 15 |
Today class evaluation, please come to class! |
8 Jan. |
Final Exam |
----- |
10 Jan. |
Discussion final exam |
Special Remarks
The lecture will be held in English.
-||- _|_ _|_ / __|__ Stefan M. Moser 
[-] --__|__ /__\ /__ Senior Scientist, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
_|_ -- --|- _ / / Adjunct Professor, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
/ \ [] \| |_| / \/ Web: https://moser-isi.ethz.ch/
Last modified: Wed May 13 06:19:18 UTC+8 2009