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Principles of Communication Engineering II Autumn 2006/2007
- Class Evaluation: The class evaluation will be online between January 2 to January 12. I would very much appreciate your feedback, so please spend these couple of minutes to fill out the online form! Thanks!
- Final Exam: The final exam will take place on
- Tuesday, January 9, 10:10-13:00 (Note that this is one hour longer than usual!)
- open book: any book is allowed
- not allowed are: any telecommunication devices like mobile phones, any laptop with wireless capabilities, any "friend", or any other help from outside...
- covered material: everything covered in class
- Mid-Term Exam: The mid-term exam will take place on
- Thursday, November 9, 15:40-18:30 (Note that this is one hour longer than usual!)
- open book: any book is allowed
- not allowed are: any telecommunication devices like mobile phones, any laptop with wireless capabilities, any "friend", or any other help from outside...
- covered material: everything covered in class until (but not including) FSK
Stefan M. Moser
Engineering Building IV, Room 727
phone: 03-571 21 21 ext. 54548
Teaching Assistant
Lin Ding-Jie
Engineering Building IV, Room 711
Time and Place
The course is scheduled for 4 hours per week:
- Tuesday, 10:10--12:00, Engineering Building IV, Room 111
- Thursday, 15:40--17:30, Engineering Building IV, Room 111
Course Objectives
The major goal of Principles of Communication Engineering (I,II) is to
teach students about the basic principles underlying the operation and
design of a communication system. It is a core course in the
Department of Communication Engineering. The course will follow
approximately the following schedule:
- Passband Digital Transmission (Chapter 6)
- Spread Spectrum Modulation (Chapter 7)
- Multiuser Radio Communications (Chapter 8)
- Fundamental Limits in Information Theory (Chapter 9)
- Error-Control Coding (Chapter 10)
We expect a student who
finishes the course to be able to understand the basic operating
principles of current communication systems or standards. Moreover, we
sincerely hope that a student who learns the course material will be
equipped with the ability to analyze and design a communication
- Signals and Systems (preferably)
- Probability (preferably)
- Principles of Communication Engineering I (preferably)
Simon Haykin: "Communication Systems," 4th ed., Wiley, 2001.
Further references and recommended readings:
- R. E. Ziemer and W. H. Tranter: "Principles of Communications," 5th ed., Wiley, 2002.
- John G. Proakis: "Digital Communications," 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2001.
- Thomas M. Cover and Joy A. Thomas: "Elements of Information Theory," Wiley, 1991.
Your grade will be an average of
- your homework (15%)
- the midterm exam (35%)
- the final exam (50%)
The grade of your homework will not be based on the correctness of
your answers, but rather the effort you show in trying to solve
them. To pass the course there is the additional condition that
at least 10 exercises have to be handed in.
This course is worth 3 credits.
Time Table
Date |
Topic |
Handouts |
Exercise (due on) |
Solutions |
Comments |
12 Sept. |
Introduction, modulation schemes and PAM |
Syllabus |
Exercise 1 (19 Sept.) |
14 Sept. |
PAM, Gaussian random variables |
Handout 1 |
19 Sept. |
Random vectors |
Exercise 2 (26 Sept.) |
21 Sept. |
Gaussian random vectors |
Solutions 1 |
26 Sept. |
Stochastic processes |
Exercise 3 (3 Oct.) |
28 Sept. |
Stochastic processes, hypothesis testing |
Solutions 2 |
3 Oct. |
Hypothesis testing |
Exercise 4 (12 Oct.) |
5 Oct. |
Hypothesis testing |
Solutions 3 |
10 Oct. |
No lecture |
----- |
12 Oct. |
Power spectral density |
Exercise 5 (17 Oct.) |
Solutions 4 |
17 Oct. |
PSD of PAM, sampling theorem, modulation in passband |
Exercise 6 (24 Oct.) |
19 Oct. |
Modulation in passband: QAM |
Handout 2, Handout 3 |
Solutions 5 |
24 Oct. |
Handout 4 |
Exercise 7 (31 Oct.) |
26 Oct. |
QPSK, Classification, FSK |
Solutions 6 |
31 Oct. |
Exercise 8 (14 Nov.) |
2 Nov. |
Solutions 7 |
7 Nov. |
----- |
9 Nov. |
Midterm Exam |
----- |
14 Nov. |
MFSK, non-coherent detection |
Exercise 9 (21 Nov.) |
16 Nov. |
Non-coherent BFSK, DPSK, voiceband modems |
Solutions 8 |
21 Nov. |
Voiceband modems, multichannel modulation |
Exercise 10 (28 Nov.) |
23 Nov. |
Discrete Multitone, Spread Spectrum Modulation |
Solutions 9 |
28 Nov. |
Pseudo noise sequences, direct sequence spread spectrum |
Exercise 11 (5 Dec.) |
30 Nov. |
Frequency hop spread-spectrum system, multiple access techniques, wireless communication |
Solutions 10 |
5 Dec. |
Wireless communication |
Handout 5 |
Exercise 12 (12 Dec.) |
7 Dec. |
Diversity |
Solutions 11 |
12 Dec. |
Time-diversity, frequency diversity |
Exercise 13 (19 Dec.) |
14 Dec. |
Frequency diversity, Shannon's measure of information |
Solutions 12 |
19 Dec. |
Shannon's measure of information, efficient coding of a single RV |
Exercise 14 (26 Dec.) |
21 Dec. |
Efficient coding of an information source |
Solutions 13 |
26 Dec. |
Coding for a noisy digital channel |
Exercise 15 (2 Jan.) |
28 Dec. |
Differential entropy, coding theorem for AWGN channel |
Solutions 14 |
2 Jan. |
Block coding |
Exercise 16 (4 Jan.) |
Class evaluation online until Jan. 12! |
4 Jan. |
Block coding |
Solutions 15, Solutions 16 |
9 Jan. |
Final Exam |
----- |
11 Jan. |
Discussion of final exam |
Special Remarks
The lecture will be held in English.
-||- _|_ _|_ / __|__ Stefan M. Moser 
[-] --__|__ /__\ /__ Senior Scientist, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
_|_ -- --|- _ / / Adjunct Professor, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
/ \ [] \| |_| / \/ Web: https://moser-isi.ethz.ch/
Last modified: Thu Feb 19 08:03:01 UTC+8 2009