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Principles of Communication Engineering II
Prof. Chen Po-Ning | Prof. Stefan M. Moser |
Engineering Building IV, Office 831 | Engineering Building IV, Office 727 |
phone: 03-571 21 21 ext. 31670 | phone: 03-571 21 21 ext. 54548 |
e-mail: ![]() | e-mail: ![]() |
Prof. Chen will teach the course in Chinese, while Prof. Moser will teach in English.
Prof. Chen's TAs:
Chang Huei-Ya | Feng Shih-Lun |
e-mail: ![]() | e-mail: ![]() |
Engineering Building IV, Office 823 (ED823) | Engineering Building IV, Office 823 (ED823) |
phone: 03-571 21 21 ext. 54570 | phone: 03-571 21 21 ext. 54570 |
Office hours: Monday 13:30–15:30 | Office hours: Monday 13:30–15:30 |
Prof. Moser's TAs:
Chen Wei-Hsiang | Tung Yuan-Hao |
e-mail: ![]() | e-mail: ![]() |
Engineering Building IV, Office 716A (ED716A) | Engineering Building IV, Office 811 (ED811) |
phone: 03-571 21 21 ext. 54630 | phone: 03-571 21 21 ext. 54571 |
Office hours: Tuesday 18:30–20:00 |
The course is scheduled for two lectures per week:
The course starts on Tuesday, 24 February, and finishes on Thursday, 25 June.
NCTU requests that every teacher offers two hours per week where students may come to ask questions:
However, we would like to encourage you to show up in the teacher's or teaching assistant's office at any time in case you have questions about the class or related subjects. Moreover, we are always available during and after classes.
Simon Haykin: "Communication Systems," 4th ed., Wiley, 2001.
Further references and recommended readings:
For certain topics there will be additional handouts during classes.
Every week, an exercise will be made available online for download. This exercise will consist of several problems that need to be solved at home and handed in during the class of the following week. A model solution will be available online afterwards.
We believe the exercises to be extremely important and crucial to the understanding of the course. They also serve as a preparation for the mid-term and final exams and we therefore highly recommend to solve them. To pass the course you need to hand in at least 10 exercises.
There will be a mid-term exam (two hours) and a final exam (three hours). The exams are going to be open-book. Details about the covered material in the mid-term exam will be published in due time. The final exam will cover everything taught in class.
Moreover, in regular intervals we will make quizzes about the material taught in the previous weeks. A quiz lasts for 10 minutes only and is closed-book.
The grade will be an average of
The grade of the homework will not be based on the correctness of the answers, but rather on the effort the student shows in trying to solve them. This course is worth 3 credits.
The course is taught in parallel in two classes: one class is taught in Chinese, one class is taught in English. We will try to keep the courses pretty much synchronized. In particular, all exercises, handouts, the quizzes, the mid-term, and the final exam will be identical in both classes and written in English only.
W | Date | Topic | Handouts | Exercise (due on) | Solutions | Comments |
1 | 24 Feb. | Introduction; review: modulation schemes, PAM, signal-space representation | Syllabus (Version 3) | Exercise 1 (3 Mar.) | ||
26 Feb. | Review: matched filter, Nyquist criterion, demodulation in noise | Nyquist Criterion | |
2 | 3 Mar. | Review: hypothesis testing, Gaussian RV, MAP, ML | Gaussian Distribution | Exercise 2 (10 Mar.) | ||
5 Mar. | Review: hypothesis testing, Gaussian RV, MAP, ML, probability of error, power spectral density (PSD) of PAM | Hypothesis Testing | Solutions 1 | |||
3 | 10 Mar. | Review: sampling theorem; modulation in passband, QAM | Power Spectral Density | Exercise 3 (17 Mar.) | ||
12 Mar. | Quiz 1 Modulation in passband, QAM, probability of error, PSD of QAM, CAP |
Passband Signals and their Representation | Solutions 2 | |||
4 | 17 Mar. | CAP, BPSK, QPSK, offset QPSK, Pi/4-shifted QPSK, M-ary PSK, classification of modulation schemes | Exercise 4 (24 Mar.) | |||
19 Mar. | FSK, MSK | Solutions 3 | ||||
5 | 24 Mar. | MSK, CPM, MFSK, noncoherent detection | Exercise 5 (31 Mar.) | |||
26 Mar. | Quiz 2 Noncoherent BFSK, noncoherent matched filter, DPSK |
Solutions 4 | ||||
6 | 31 Mar. | Voiceband modems | Exercise 6 (7 Apr.) | |||
2 Apr. | No lecture (Holiday) | Solutions 5 | ||||
7 | 7 Apr. | Multichannel modulation, loading, waterfilling | Exercise 7 (corrected version) (14 Apr.) | |||
9 Apr. | Discrete multitone, OFDM, synchronization | Solutions 6 | ||||
8 | 14 Apr. | Synchronization | Exercise 8 (21 Apr.) | |||
16 Apr. | Quiz 3 Synchronization, spread-spectrum modulation, pseudo-noise sequences, LFSR |
LFSR (only for interested students) | Solutions 7 (corrected version) | The handout LFSR is not part of the exam material | ||
9 | 21 Apr. | Direct-sequence spread-spectrum coherent BPSK | Exercise 9 (5 May) | |||
23 Apr. | Direct-sequence spread-spectrum coherent BPSK, frequency hopping spread spectrum | Solutions 8 | ||||
10 | 28 Apr. | Multiple access techniques, free space propagation model, noise figure | |
30 Apr. | Mid-Term Exam | |
11 | 5 May | Noise figure, radio link analysis, wireless communications, propagation effects: multipath, Doppler effect | Exercise 10 (12 May) | |||
7 May | Propagation effects: multipath, Doppler effect, WSSUS, delay-Doppler spreading function, scattering function | Solutions 9 | ||||
12 | 12 May | Scattering function, classification of fading channels | Exercise 11 (19 May) | |||
14 May | Quiz 4 Diversity: example Rayleigh fading, time diversity |
Solutions 10 | ||||
13 | 19 May | Time diversity | Exercise 12 (26 May, corrected version) | |||
21 May | Time diversity, frequency diversity | Solutions 11 | ||||
14 | 26 May | Frequency diversity, speech coding: PCM, DPCM, DM | Exercise 13 (2 Jun.) | |||
28 May | No lecture (Holiday) | Solutions 12 (corrected version) | ||||
15 | 2 Jun. | Spectral waveform coding, model based coding, Shannon's measure of information: entropy, mutual information | Exercise 14 (9 Jun.) | |||
4 Jun. | Quiz 5 Efficient coding of a single random variable, Shannon-Fano coding, Huffman coding, source coding theorem for a DMS and block parser |
Solutions 13 | ||||
16 | 9 Jun. | Coding for a noisy digital channel, channel capacity, channel coding theorem | Exercise 15 (16 Jun.) | |||
11 Jun. | Capacity of an AWGN channel, block codes, Hamming distance, linear block codes, parity-check codes | |
Class evaluation online until June 26 | |||
17 | 16 Jun. | Convolutional codes, Viterbi algorithm, finding a metric | Exercise 16 (23 Jun.) | Solutions 14 | ||
18 Jun. | Quiz 6 Turbo codes, LDPC codes |
Solutions 15 | ||||
18 | 23 Jun. | Repetition, time for questions | |
Solutions 16 Solution to Quiz 6 |
25 Jun. | Final Exam | |
ATTENTION: This is a 3 hours exam: 15:40–18:30 |
-||- _|_ _|_ / __|__ Stefan M. Moser
[-] --__|__ /__\ /__ Senior Scientist, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
_|_ -- --|- _ / / Adjunct Professor, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
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