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Information Theory II
Prof. Amos Lapidoth | Prof. Stefan M. Moser | |
Office: | ETF E107 | ETF E104 |
Phone: | 044 632 51 92 | 044 632 36 24 |
E-mail: | ![]() |
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Yiming Yan
Office: ETF D107
Phone: 044 632 65 87
We use the book by Thomas M. Cover and Joy A. Thomas:
T.M. Cover, J.A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory,
2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, USA.
(Here is a link to an
electronic copy of it.)
Stefan M. Moser: Information Theory (Lecture Notes), 6th edition, Signal and Information Processing Laboratory, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, and Institute of Communications Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU), Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2018.
Stefan M. Moser: Advanced Topics in Information Theory (Lecture Notes), 5th edition, Signal and Information Processing Laboratory, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, and Institute of Communications Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU), Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2022.
A. El Gamal, Y.-H. Kim, Network Information Theory, Cambridge University Press
G. Kramer, Topics in Multi-User Information Theory, available here.
Printed copies of the exercises will be handed out in class. See time table below.
Oral exam (30 min.).
The lecture is held in English.
W | Date | Topic | Handouts | Exercise | Solutions | Lecturer |
1 | 23 Feb. | Differential entropy, relative entropy and mutual information for continuous RVs; max-entropy principle; AEP for continuous RVs (IT: 16.1–5, 3.4; CT: 8.1, 8.3–6, 12.1) | Infos Contents | — | — | Stefan M. Moser |
2 | 2 Mar. | AEP for continuous RVs; typical sets, jointly typical sets, and their propoerties; Gaussian channel: definitions, channel coding theorem, and intuition (IT: 20.13, 17; CT: 8.2, 9.1) | Exercise 1 | Solutions 1 | Stefan M. Moser | |
3 | 9 Mar. | Channel coding theorem for Gaussian channel: definitions, achievability via random coding, and converse via Fano's inequality; joint source and channel coding (IT: 17, 15; ATIT: 11.8; CT: 9.1–2) | Exercise 2 | Solutions 2 | Stefan M. Moser | |
4 | 16 Mar. | Multiple-Access Channel: channel model and definition of capacity region; examples: Independent BSCs, binary multiplier MAC, binary erasure MAC; time sharing and convexity of capacity region; convex hull and Caratheodory theorem; proof of achievability (ATIT: 21; CT: 15.3) | Exercise 3 | Solutions 3 | Amos Lapidoth | |
5 | 23 Mar. | Multiple-Access Channel: q-pentagons and Q-region (i.e. second form of capacity region: coded time-sharing), equivalence to time-sharing*; proof of converse; Gaussian MAC: capacity region, achievability via rate splitting (onion piling) (ATIT: 21; CT: 15.3) | Exercise 4 | Solutions 4 | Amos Lapidoth | |
6 | 30 Mar. | Broadcast channel: channel model and definition of capacity region; observations (ATIT: 23.2); physically degraded and stochastically degraded BC; achievability via superposition coding (ATIT: Thm 23.23); converse for degraded BC; Gaussian BC: capacity region (ATIT: 23; CT: 15.6) | Converse Proof BC | Exercise 5 | Solutions 5 | Stefan M. Moser |
7 | 6 Apr. | Channels with states: channel model and definition; achievability via random coding; Gel'fand-Pinsker rate and capacity: convexity of GP rate and bound on cardinality of auxiliary RV (ATIT: 18.1–18.3, 4.3 [Markov Lemma]) | Exercise 6 | Solutions 6 | Stefan M. Moser | |
— | 13 Apr. | holidays | — | — | ||
8 | 20 Apr. | Gel'fand-Pinsker problem: converse; examples: Channels that Sometimes Get Stuck, Writing on Dirty Paper; different types of side-information (ATIT: 18.4–18.8) | Exercise 7 | Solutions 7 | Stefan M. Moser | |
9 | 27 Apr. | Method of types: introduction, number and size of type classes, probability of observing a type; large deviation theory: universal source coding, Sanov's theorem (CT: 11; ATIT: 3, 5) | Exercise 8 | Solutions 8 | Amos Lapidoth | |
10 | 4 May | Minimizing relative entropy subject to expectation constraints; Chernoff Information; Stein's Lemma (CT: 11; ATIT: 3, 5) | Exercise 9 | Solutions 9 | Amos Lapidoth | |
11 | 11 May | Soft covering: proof of direct part; comparison to channel coding theorem and rate-distortion theorem; outline of converse part (ATIT: 19) | Exercise 10 | Solutions 10 | Amos Lapidoth | |
— | 18 May | holiday | — | — | ||
12 | 25 May | Wiretap channel (ATIT: 20) | Exercise 11 | Solutions 11 | Amos Lapidoth | |
13 | 1 Jun. | Fisher Information (ATIT: 8.1–3) | Exercise 12 | Solutions 12 | Amos Lapidoth |
-||- _|_ _|_ / __|__ Stefan M. Moser
[-] --__|__ /__\ /__ Senior Researcher & Lecturer, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
_|_ -- --|- _ / / Adj. Professor, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NCTU), Taiwan
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Last modified: Tue Oct 17 12:51:30 UTC 2023