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2011 Taiwan Winter School
Information Theory and


Participation Fees

The participation fees for all students who wish to attend the workshop are as follows:

IEEE members:   NTD 200
non-IEEE members:   NTD 600

In this fee included are lunch, banquet and proceedings. IEEE members are kindly asked to provide their IEEE number. There is no registration form. Please make sure that you provide your name and affiliation when paying the registration fee so that we can prepare your name tag.

Any student who wish to attend the talks without lunch, banquet and proceedings is very welcome to do so without charge and registration. Note, however, that they will be excluded from voting when we elect the best presentations. All presenters must be registered.

Professors are free of charge. We would like to highly encourage professors, in particular all advisors, to participate, too! One of the main aims of this school is to have a close interaction among students and also between students and professors.


除了郵寄現金袋,也可利用匯票或支票。請掛號郵寄報名表與匯票 (或支票、現金袋),若多人一同繳交,請務必註明參加者姓名。 支、匯票抬頭請寫「財團法人鼎勳電信發展文教基金會」, 並請寄到:300新竹市大學路1001號工四館111室「財團法人鼎勳電信發展文 教基金會」收(99/12/20前完成繳費者,開立99年發票)。

Deadline for Registration and Possible Final Version of Abstract

The deadline for registration is 3 January 2011 10 January 2011. In case you would like to make some corrections in your two-page abstract, please send them to us by latest 3 January 2011. If we do not receive any corrected version, the submitted abstract will be taken as final version and distributed in the proceedings.

Submission of Presentation Slides

Please submit your presentation slides by email to

latest until 10 January 2011. This will enable us to prepare the computer with the slides on it and to prevent wasted time by setting up computers.

2011 Taiwan Winter School on Information Theory and Communications

Website by Stefan M. Moser

Last modified: Mon Apr 9 16:07:00 UTC+8 2012